The Oceanside Intl Film Festival is very proud to announce “Upper Cut Deluxe Presents – An Evening with Taylor Steeleâ€; Saturday Aug. 10th 6:30pm; a night in which renowned filmmaker Taylor Steele will take the fans of his award-winning films through stories and scenes covering the several decades of his filmmaking career, spanning from right here in North County to around the world.
Taylor Steele is an award-winning filmmaker, creative visionary and entrepreneur who has played a vital role in bringing the thrill and serenity of surf culture to the masses. At the young age of seventeen, he released the surf film ‘Momentum’, and over the following two decades he went on to direct and produce over forty best-selling titles starring the world’s best surfers and musicians. Steele’s films have starred world famous surfers such as Kelly Slater, Rob Machado, Craig Anderson, Ozzie Wright, Jordy Smith and Taylor Knox. Join us for this unique one of a kind event which anchors the festival’s Saturday, August 10th programming. There may even be some special guests!